Sports Ambassadors for Knighton!

Rosie Shaw was voted in as the representative for Sports Council back in the first half of the Autumn term.

Rosie and Seth will be taking part in online ‘Bronze Ambassador’ training on Friday, so that they will be able to promote sport throughout our school!


Please find the Welsh work we would like you to have a look at over the next couple of weeks.  The topic is hobbies and sports, which you have looked at before.  On the ‘Sports and Hobbies’ challenge mat there are different tasks for you to try- it is up to you how many you complete but try to challenge yourself!  The powerpoints (‘Playing a sport’ and ‘Hobbies and sports’) are there for you to read through and revise Welsh words and phrases that you may have forgotten.  Diolch!

Playing a sport WELSH Sports_HobbiesChallenges5_6


Hobbies and Sports WELSH


Keeping fit!

Hi everyone!  I hope that you’ve thoroughly enjoyed your Easter break and enjoyed the lovely weather that we’ve been having.  It’s been fantastic to see all the work that you’ve completed but if you have some photos of you out for a run with family members, playing football in the garden, dancing, cycling, making up gymnastics routines, trying yoga or simply going for a stroll then please can you share those too!  You can email them to me and I will put them on the website!

I have managed to keep up with my running but I really have missed running club with all of you and of course our daily mile!

Stay safe, stay home but stay healthy!

A bit of a rest after a lovely stroll in the woods- diolch Tegan!

HP camping  

Working for a badge in Cubs Haydn- da iawn!

CR 5K run

My Run 5. Donate 5. Nominate 5. for the NHS.  Mrs Shaw will upload her photo shortly!

Wow- you really have been busy Alice!

Mrs Shaw after her 5K run for the NHS and Dylan out on a bike ride!

Doc2 AE

Ballet class via Zoom for Ava!

Dathliad Cymraeg!

We have had an amazing day celebrating Wales. During the morning, we completed lot’s of lovely fun activities and our prelims for the Eisteddfod. This afternoon we all came together to compete within our classes. The children bravely showcased their talents and we all had a fun-filled afternoon.

Cross Country at Presteigne!

On Thursday 13th February 61 children from KS2 took part in the cluster cross country event at Presteigne!  We were able to transport them all thanks to our amazing parents, grandparents and staff members- diolch yn fawr!

The children showed grit and determination when faced with a challenging course and very muddy conditions.  We are very proud of them all!

Our next cross country event will be at Radnor Valley Primary on Thursday 5th March where we have 72 KS2 children taking part!

Tanio'r Ddraig

On Thursday 23rd January 2020, Miss Davies and four very enthusiastic Criw Cymraeg members attended a very exciting day in Builth Wells.

The day gave us a range of ideas and activities to implement within our school to help us to fulfil the requirements for the language Charter. We carried out the following workshops; ‘Mewn Cymeriad’ a show to explain the Welsh Culture and Language, ‘Mr Phormula’ a Welsh Beatboxer, a Welsh Yoga session and a Welsh music session.

This is what the children thought about the day;

‘It was the best day ever!’

‘I can’t believe Mr Phormula makes all of that music by just using his voice.’

‘We had so much fun and used lots of Welsh.’

‘The activities were amazing, I loved the Yoga.’

Physical Literacy!

Physical Literacy club started this week for all year 1 and 2 pupils with Mrs Fielding in the gym.

We have been practicing some new balancing positions and then playing games to refine our balancing techniques!

Hop ‘It’ Game!

Netball Autumn 2019

Starting on Monday 16th September we will be running a netball session for children within Ks2.  The club will run at lunchtime, from 12.30pm until 1pm, for six weeks initially.  Depending on interest these sessions will continue in the Spring term.  Why not give it a go?