Cinio Nadolig!

Roedd e’n blasus ac roedd pawb yn hapus! It was delicious and everyone was happy! Diolch i’r cogyddesau, thank you to Jane, Emma and Claire!

Project Touchline

Over the past few weeks, we have enjoyed some sessions with Chris Andrew from Project Touchline learning about the key value of respect and how that is represented in sports in particular rugby. We also created some pieces of Artwork representing what we have learnt throughout the project.

Cogurdd Competition

Well done to Beatrice Cadwallader who represented the school at the Cogurdd competition, making a wonderful chicken and pasta dish! Da iawn Beatrice!

Cogurdd 2023

Urdd members in year 5/6 were given the opportunity to compete in the school round of this years Cogurdd competition, with the task being to create a salad of their choice in 45 minutes. 14 members participated this year and all really enjoyed the challenge of making their own salads using many different skills in the process. Mrs. Layton had the difficult task of blind judging the top 3, with the winner going through to represent Knighton at the regional round. Llongyfarchiadau/Congratulations to Beatrice Cadwallader on winning the school round!


We had a lot of fun at Zumba on Wednesday. Thank you Tania!

Netball tournament

Pupils in year 5/6 competed in the cluster Netball tournament. Everyone enjoyed learning all about the game and showed great sportsmanship and teamwork through the tournament.

Five Ways to Well-being

Gail from In Reach CAMHS came in to see us to talk about well-being. We learnt that the 5 ways to well-being are: Keep learning, connect, take notice, give and be active. We then created posters to share ideas of how we might do this.