Cinio Nadolig!

Roedd e’n blasus ac roedd pawb yn hapus! It was delicious and everyone was happy! Diolch i’r cogyddesau, thank you to Jane, Emma and Claire!

Nadolig Llawen i chi!

Everyone has enjoyed our free Christmas breakfast…we’re feeling full ready to see The Animal Man and to get Christmas-crafting ready for the fayre on Friday!

Carolau’r Nadolig

Today our friends Judith and Gilles returned to practise Christmas Carols with us, in English, Welsh and French. The children focussed, showing so much respect and enthusiasm… their voices were beautiful too! Diolch, Judith and Gilles.

Well-being Day

We enjoyed a range of activities including outdoor Andy Goldsworthy artwork, circus skills, physical literacy and we looked picking the delicious apples from the tree to make apply crumble.


Shwmae Shwmae Day!

Year 2 and 3 enjoyed celebrating Shwmae Shwmae day! We looked at Welsh singers and started learning the Welsh National Anthem, we drew pictures of Welsh landmarks, played some Welsh yard games, and Welsh Bingo!


In Science, we have been learning about the life processes and habitats. We decided to create our own micro habitats in our school garden.

Life as a Roman!

We travelled to Stourport on Seven to explore a day in the life as a roman! We performed in the amphitheatre, we made roman roads, built our own shelters and found out lots more! We all enjoyed ourselves very much and can’t wait to continue our Mantle topic work on Romans.

Staying Safe!

PC Ainsworth visited Year 2 and 3 to talk about playing safely. The children came up with good ideas on how they could stay safe, and what to do when they need help.