Dathliad Cymraeg

The whole school have worked extremely hard to make Dydd Dathliad Cymraeg a huge success. The children’s attitude to the competitions and ’round robin’ of activities have been exceptional. Excellent performances by all classes delivering a Welsh song. Well done to all of our competition winners and all children for participating in the competitions.


Welsh Badges

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Da iawn pawb!!

Cwis Dim Clem

Our group won the second round and are through to the next round! Llongyfarchiadau!

Soil Formation

The children have been busy investigating soil formation. Here are some pictures of them making their own compost bins.

Welsh Badges!

Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Da iawn pawb!!

Dathliad Cymraeg

As part of their round robin of Welsh activities, children worked with Mrs Fielding to learn the song ‘Mi Welais Jac Y Do’, they then used the musical instruments to create a composition to accompany the song.

Safer Internet Day

As part of Dosbarth Gwennol’s work for Safer Internet Day the children took part in two activities this morning. The first was to read the story of Mog and Jo. Mog and Jo were two children that loved to play games online. However, one day they saw something that worried them. Luckily they told a trusted adult what was worrying them. We discussed the importance of always telling an adult if something makes us feel worried or uncomfortable.

Our second activity was to express a range of feelings caused by technology and the Internet.