Summer Term Week 8 W/C 15th June

We hope you have had a good week and enjoyed the activities we planned. We have enjoyed reading and seeing your work. You are doing an amazing job! Da iawn! Remember, we are always here to help you. You can contact us by email or privately messaging us.

Have a lovely weekend and keep smiling.

KS2 Iaith/Literacy and Maths Planning. This is for children who access lessons with Miss Lowe, Mrs Warner and Mrs Mortimer in a morning (Year3-6). 

Iaith/ Literacy Week 8

Iaith/Literacy Tablet Friendly

Monday PowerPoint Dream Jars BFG

Mathematics Activities Week 8

Afternoon Planning. This is for children who access lessons with  Mrs Warner, Miss Lowe and Mrs Mortimer in an afternoon.

Afternoon Activities Week 8