Home Learning Week Commencing Monday 28th March 2022
Oxford Owls -free online books
A fantastic resource that you can access at home. There are hundreds of e-books to choose from and after reading or listening to the book, there are games and activities to complete.
Choose one of the activities daily on Hwb
Spelling J2blast
I recommend you start on KS1.
Exploring direction
This week on Hwb we would like you to complete one of the activities on Turtle. In class, we will be using the Bee Bots. Can you move the turtle around the grid? Can you make left and right turns?
Additional Activities on Hwb
Use the menu on the left to paste animals/objects into the setting.
Use the brush to paint your own images onto chosen backgrounds.
Paint a self-portrait/family member/pet onto a blank background.
Select a template and direct the object around the screen.
Try ‘Simple’ and when confident have a go at ,Advanced’.
Create a block/bar graph/pictogram to show your family’s:
favourite colours
favourite foods
favourite animals
shoe sizes
Select a template and use the menu on the left to select an object. Create an animation by clicking on the boxes across the bottom of the screen
Go into the garden and select some items and create a masterpiece!