Congratulations to our Welsh badge winners this week. You have been using lots of incidental Welsh inside and outside of the classroom. Bendigedig pawb!!
Christmas Fayre 2024
The children thoroughly enjoyed designing and making a variety of items to sell at our Christmas Fayre this year. They carefully sourced materials and looked at profit margins to make sure that they did not make a loss! The Fayre was supported brilliantly by families and our community and we managed to make £953.20. Bendigedig pawb! What a fantastic event!
Father Christmas paid a visit and was very impressed with his ‘Narnia’ grotto, through the wardrobe!
Annual Governors' Report To Parents 2023-2024
We have been exploring many different materials!
Pumpkin carving
Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg
We had a wonderful time at Quakers!
We have had a fantastic fun day!
Expressive Arts - At the Beach
Our beautiful whole-school mosaic
Wow! Jody Mc Partlin from Stoneglass Mosaics has put the finishing touches to our whole-school mosaic that she has worked with the children to produce. Since Easter Jody has worked with children throughout the school to design and create the mosaic based on our school values. The project has been part funded by a grant from the Diocese. Da iawn Pawb!