Cinio Nadolig!

Roedd e’n blasus ac roedd pawb yn hapus! It was delicious and everyone was happy! Diolch i’r cogyddesau, thank you to Jane, Emma and Claire!

Nadolig Llawen i chi!

Everyone has enjoyed our free Christmas breakfast…we’re feeling full ready to see The Animal Man and to get Christmas-crafting ready for the fayre on Friday!

Christmas Fair Preparation

The children have been busy glittering, painting, threading, hammering and gluing in order to prepare their wares for the Christmas Fair. We are a little excited!

Carolau’r Nadolig

Today our friends Judith and Gilles returned to practise Christmas Carols with us, in English, Welsh and French. The children focussed, showing so much respect and enthusiasm… their voices were beautiful too! Diolch, Judith and Gilles.

Giglets Story Telling

We listen to a live streaming of a story called ‘What do Monsters Munch?’ We joined in with the actions and even got 4 of our ideas read out by the presenter!

After the reading we were told about a competition to win a Giglets class box with helpful reading prizes in. If anyone would like to enter this competition you need to design a monster cake. This could be a drawing, painting or 3D model (Lego or junk modelling possibly?). If you do want to do this please bring in your entry of the Monday after half term. Happy creating!

Science games

We used our learning about human systems to create boards games. This was a lot of fun!


We had a lot of fun at Zumba on Wednesday. Thank you Tania!

Literacy Enrichment

For literacy enrichment day, we looked at ly and simile sentences then used these to write some poetry about autumn. In the afternoon, we then created artwork to accompany our poems. We really enjoyed our day.