We loved creating an obstacle course for Tiddler. We used our prepositional language to direct Tiddler around the obstacle course. We followed the route ourselves and had great fun!
Chinese New Year!
Pyjama Drama
Enillwyr Tocynnau Cymraeg
A place of Sanctuary
During Assembly on Monday we celebrated being appraised as a School of Sanctuary. Members of the appraisal team commented “It was such a pleasure to spend time with your pupils and hear about their learning. They are an absolute credit to you and clearly demonstrate what a warm and welcoming place Knighton School is”. They also added “Pupil voice in school is clearly very well embedded through your variety of councils and they feel empowered to make changes.” We are all very proud.
Animation with Jim Elliot
Forest School
Circus Skills
Story Telling with Sharon
Outdoor Learning!
We took our digital coding skills outdoors and created a maze/track for our classmates to use coding instructions and lead each other around the maze with their eyes closed! We used instructions like, ‘turn 90degrees right’ ‘take 3 small steps forward’. We looked at the importance of detailed instructions.