E-Safety Council 2022

The E-Safety Council 2022

Today we held our first E-safety council meeting. We had some super discussion about helping parents/carers to keep us safe online. We are planning to send out a newsletter soon!

Dance Workshop with Emily

We listened to ‘I’ve Got this Feeling’ from the movie Trolls, and followed Emily’s instructions to create a dance. We had great fun!

Creating Jellyfish

After reading the Story ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley,’ we worked together to make some jellyfish to hang up in our classroom.

Floating and Sinking

Lots of super discussion about the objects and their properties. We predicted which objects would float/sink and tested our ideas. Great scientific vocabulary being used!

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations!

What a fantastic day we have had celebrating the Jubilee! We have made crowns, had a delicious lunch outside and our favourite thing of all, a visit from the ice cream van!

Pasg Hapus!/Happy Easter!

What an eggcellent day we have all had! An Easter bonnet parade, and egg hunt on the field. Everyone’s bonnets were amazing but congratulations to our winner, Elsie! Da iawn ti!